Release Highlights
We have added the ability to configure Competency Types. There are also various other changes surrounding this feature. We have added more options to the Gender dropdown on the User Profile for better inclusivity. Numerous client-raised bugs have also been fixed.
What's New?
Configurable Competency Types
- If you have this feature enabled, you can now set various Competency Types within EDS. These can be assigned to Route(s), or Location(s)
Competency Type added Location/Route Competencies table
- If you have configurable Competency Types enabled, Locations/Routes can be filtered by Competency Type
Status added to Route & Traction Competencies user table
- You can now filter both Routes & Tractions on the user's page by Current Status:
- Valid - Expiry Date is more than 4 weeks
- Approaching Expiry - Expiry Date is within 4 weeks
- Expired - Expiry Date has passed
Competency Notification changes
- Location/Route Expiry Notifications will now show the Competency Type i.e Signal Box, if you have this feature enabled.
More Gender Options
- In an effort to be more inclusive, the following options are now available when selecting a user's Gender Identity:
- Female
- Male
- Other
- Prefer Not To Say
Bug Fixes
- Performance Improvements to the new Manage Team page.
- Company Roles listed on the Edit User page are now displayed in alphabetical order.
- A bug that meant you could not complete an assessment between 00:00 & 01:00 is fixed.
- Autofill for email addresses when using Single Sign-On is now working as intended.
- A bug that meant User Admins could not start or end Competency Cycles has been fixed.
- There was an issue with users logged in via SSO being logged out on double click of the 'Manage Units for the Employee' button. This is now fixed.
- The Signal Box/Location Expiry notifications now correctly link the user through to the View Location & Competency Page.
- Where used, the save button in Capability Reviews was greyed out in certain circumstances. This has been fixed.
- All competencies expiry dates are now set to be Approaching Expiry if within 30 days, however if you have point to point routes enabled, then this remains at the current 28 days.