Release Highlights
This release includes bug fixes, configuration updates and a long awaited change!
New Features
Terminal Map Config Changes
The lengths of roads 7, 8 and 11 have all been increased to allow more wagons to be placed onto them. The Hazardous stockpile has been renamed to Non-Inert, and there's one more little surprise on the terminal map to make it look its best.
Bug Fixes
The Cumulative Stockpile graph had stopped showing the number of trains.
The labels which show the number of trains at each point in time have been reinstated.
The Cumulative Stockpile graph was incorrectly zooming in when users tried to position the graph along the x axis.
We've updated the graph controls so that you can now go back to clicking and dragging on the graph to pan across the x axis without accidentally zooming in. Now in order to zoom in, users will need to hold the shift key while dragging across the area they want to zoom in on. Alternatively, you can hover over the x axis labels and use the scroll wheel on your mouse to zoom in and out.