Release Highlights
This release includes:
- New Employee Profile
- Updates to filtering on the Dashboard
What's New?
Employee Profile
As of this release, you will have the ability to view the profile of an employee on your Android device by tapping on their employee card from the Dashboard or Employee Search page.
The top of the profile page provides a read only view of several key pieces of the employee’s details and statuses, giving you an easy way to view information about the employee before starting an assessment.
Please note that the Support Plan status colours on the Android App are currently different to those on the web. The web will be updated in line with this in due course.
The bottom of the profile page provides links to navigate to more information about the employee, as detailed below.
Assessment Summary
Similar to the Assessments Due page accessed via the main Dashboard, the Assessment Summary page provides a RAG status overview of the upcoming assessments for the employee. If the employee has more than 1 Role, then other Roles can be selected from the Company Role picker to change the view of the page.
Incidents and Support Plans
When opening the Incidents & Support Plans page, you will initially be presented with the Incidents section, displaying the list of incidents linked to this employee. These incidents can be opened to reveal more information by tapping on the cards.
Tapping on the Support Plans tab in the header will move the view to the Support Plans section, displaying any Support Plans linked to the employee. Again, tapping on any of the cards will open the Support Plan in a new page, revealing more information.
Route & Traction Competencies
Just as with the functionality on the web application, Routes and Tractions can be viewed and managed under separate sections of the same page in the Android app.
You will be able to view and edit existing Route and Traction competencies.
Tapping the section headers will switch the view between Routes and Tractions.
New Competency allocations can be added by tapping the ‘+’ button in the bottom right-hand corner of the Routes & Traction pages.
Roles & Cycles
The Roles & Cycles page simply shows the details of any Competency Cycles which have been started for the employee.
Dashboard Updates
We’ve also made some changes to the Dashboard in this release.
If you are an owner of more than 1 Team, you’ll now be able to see a consolidated view of all your Teams on the dashboard. You will also have the option of filtering your dashboard by Teams and Roles.
When opening the Assessments Due page from the Dashboard, any filters you had applied to the Dashboard will continue to be applied here. Similarly, any changes made to the filters in the Assessments Due page will be fed back to the Dashboard.
The Assessments Due page also includes an ‘Assessment Type’ filter, giving you even more flexibility, and making it easier to find the assessments you are looking for.
Bug Fixes
No bugs were fixed as part of this release.
Coming Soon
We will be implementing some improvements to evidence capture within the Android app.