Release Highlights
This release contains 2 specific customer paid change requests.
This release contains fixes for some customer-raised and internal bugs.
Specific Customer Enhancements
We have updated the Departure Board for one of our Incident Manager customers to allow their Client/Supplier Users access to the Departure Board on a restricted view that only shows services relevant to a user's clients/suppliers.
We have updated the Daily Incident Report for one of our Incident Manager customers to add a further 2 editable department headings to the report. (#115444)
Bug Fixes
Along with Change Request updates and internal bug fixes, this release addresses several client raised issues where:
- A user who does not have the permission to view commodities, should still be able to generate a daily incident report, but not filter incidents by commodity. (#109878)
- Incident Manager Defects Search Error - it crashed when using only dates or larger data set returns, this has been resolved. (#115749)
- Applying a filter to fetch a large quantity of Defects causes a timeout. This is resolved (#111637 & #111953)
There are also a number of internal raised bugs and enhancements that have been included in this release including Improvements to the incident and sensitive incident permissions and other permissions such as “Action Re-open” permissions, so that they can be effectively used and are deployed correctly on selection/de-selection.